There are many people who become injured in an accident that was caused by the actions of someone else.
When this happens, the accident victim may be entitled to some type of compensation for their loss. It could involve simply replacing or repairing a vehicle or providing life-long medical support and more. Compensation usually begins with the accident victim filing a personal injury claim against an insurance company.
Obtaining a fair settlement with an insurance company, or other defendants can be a process that is long and complicated. It may involve extensive investigations as well as negotiations with an insurance adjuster. People need to realize that when anyone works with an insurance adjuster to determine a settlement figure, the insurance adjuster is working to pay an accident victim as little as possible. Read also: To settle or not to settle personal injury claims.
Insurance Companies
An accident victim needs to understand that insurance companies are businesses. They are focused on making a profit. They have little or no interest in the emotional aspect of an accident victim’s situation. An insurance adjuster is trained to get a person to agree to the lowest possible settlement amount and avoid going to court. There are six important tips everyone should know when it comes to obtaining the best possible settlement from an insurance adjuster. These important tips are designed to help an accident victim collect obtain fair compensation for their injuries they’re rightfully entitled to receive.
1. Hire An Attorney
One of the best things an accident victim can do when they want to obtain a fair settlement from an insurance company is to have an attorney represent them. These legal professionals know how to effectively present an accident victim’s version of events. They can effectively negotiate for an accident victim. They will also know the best way to proceed during the entire process.
When a person hires an attorney, this is an effective way for an insurance adjuster to take an accident victim’s claim more seriously,” said Marietta accident lawyer Ramiro Rodriguez, Jr.
2. Documentation
An accident victim should provide their attorney with all the documentation and evidence necessary to win their case. The more evidence an attorney can present to the insurance adjuster covering the extent of injuries, the stronger an accident victim’s case will be for their claim. This includes such things as costs associated with treating their injuries as well as losses due to being unable to work, pain and suffering, and more. It will help with getting a fair settlement offer. Detailed records should be kept of all financial costs, hospital visits as well as any other type of evidence that could demonstrate the adverse effects of an accident on a victim’s life.
3. Care for Emotional Distress
If an accident victim wants compensation for emotional distress, they have to provide quantifiable proof. They may want to get medical treatment for any mental or emotional injuries they experience as a result of the accident. Accidents are often traumatizing and an accident victim deserves to be treated for the mental distress they experienced.
4. Never Take First Offer
It is important to never take the first offer from an insurance adjuster unless advised to do so by an attorney. A fair settlement is often the result of extensive negotiations. The adjuster is never going to make their best offer in the beginning. A minimum figure should be determined and nothing less should be accepted.
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5. Justify Offer
When an insurance adjuster makes an offer, it is important to make them justify it. Their goal is to get an agreement to the lowest possible dollar amount. Should an insurance adjuster provide an unreasonable settlement offer, they need to explain how they determined the dollar amount they’re offering. An attorney will know how to respond to their justifications and explain why their client deserves more.
6. Offer In Writing
An acceptable offer from an insurance company should always be provided in writing. This is a dollar amount that has been determined acceptable by an accident victim and their attorney. Before receiving anything in writing, it is essential to confirm all the details of the offer. This is a way to avoid the insurance company making a false claim that they never agreed to a specific settlement amount and then refusing to pay.
If anyone has been injured in an accident, they deserve justice. They are entitled to receive fair compensation for their injuries. An accident victim does not deserve to have an insurance company take advantage of them. They should never have to accept anything less than what they rightly deserve. An experienced attorney knows how to fight for the rights of their clients. They will always be working for their client’s best interests during the entire claims process.
To arrange a consultation with Georgia Injury Advocates, call us today at (770) 766-0555.

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